Eric del Castillo rođen je 1962. godine u Mexico Cityju (Meksiko). Vizualni je umjetnik/remikser koji živi i radi u Splitu. Studirao je filmsku produkciju i slikarstvo u Mexico Cityju. Godine 1986. započeo je umjetničku karijeru koristeći kolaž, aproprijaciju i remiks. Kolaž se provlači kroz njegov rad ne samo kao najznačajnija umjetnička tehnika, već i kao način razmišljanja i djelovanja. Godine 1996. bio rezident u Headlands Center for the Arts u San Franciscu, a od 1987. godine je izlagao na 19 samostalnih izložbi te preko 100 grupnih izložbi u Meksiku, Hrvatskoj, SAD-u, Njemačkoj, Španjolskoj i Kanadi. Godine 2018. je donirao dokumentarističku kolekciju za Arkheia Centro de Documentación MUAC, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, UNAM (Mexico City): El Sindicato del Terror/Eric del Castillo (Arhiva performansa 80-ih i 90-ih u Meksiku).
Eric del Castillo was born in 1962 in Mexico City (Mexico). He is a visual artist/remixer who lives and works in Split. He studied film production and painting in Mexico City. In 1986, he began an artistic career using collage, appropriation and remix. Collage serves as a foundational element of his artistic oeuvre, shaping both his technical approach and his intellectual framework. In 1996, he was a resident at the Headlands Center for the Arts in San Francisco, and since 1987 he has exhibited at 19 solo exhibitions and over 100 group exhibitions in Mexico, Croatia, the USA, Germany, Spain and Canada. In 2018, he donated a documentary collection to the Arkheia Centro de Documentación MUAC, Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, UNAM (Mexico City): El Sindicato del Terror/Eric del Castillo (Archive of Performances of the 80s and 90s in Mexico).
Eric del Castillo
House of The Psychic Youth, 2023 / Kuća vidovite mladeži, 2023.
digital print on aluminum composite panel, appropriated from the Internet with some intervention by artist / digitalni ispis na aluminijskom kompozitnom panelu, materijali preuzeti s interneta uz intervenciju umjetnika
20 x 60 - 24 cm
The House of the Psychic Youth is about the dreamlike, the invisible world, the esoteric and mental disorders. The hidden messages from the most secret corners of the deep and unspeakable drives of our minds, our dreams, our madness. In this House there is no physical logic, there is confusion, visual hallucinations and disconnection. The young dreamnauts are emotionally vulnerable, living in two parallel worlds – the real one and the dream world – but they really prefer the second one and they are lost in themselves, and those who suffer from mental diseases are socially isolated. This series is a reflection about emotional suffering, melancholia and desire. Psychic youth is hedonistic, pleasure contrasts with pain or suffering and experiences of pleasure are not a regular quality, but a quality of a higher order, “they are learning to exercise the difficult art of establishing peace with themselves”.
Kuća vidovite mladeži govori o snovitom, nevidljivom svijetu, ezoteriji i duševnim bolestima. Tajne poruke iz najskrovitijih kutaka dubokih i neizrecivih poriva naših umova, naših snova, našeg ludila. U ovoj Kući nema fizičke logike, postoji zbunjenost, vizualne halucinacije i nepovezanost. Mladi sanjači su emocionalno ranjivi, žive u dva paralelna svijeta – onom stvarnom i svijetu snova – ali oni više vole ovaj drugi i izgubljeni su u sebi, a oni koji boluju od duševnih bolesti društveno su izolirani. Ova serija radova je refleksija o emocionalnoj patnji, melankoliji i žudnji. Vidovita mladež je hedonistička mladež, užitak suprotstavljen boli ili patnji, a doživljaji zadovoljstva nisu uobičajena kvaliteta, već kvaliteta višeg reda, “oni uče teško umijeće uspostavljanja mira sa samim sobom”.