Nikica Jurković (1989. Zagreb, Hrvatska), Diplomirao je Dizajn vizualnih komunikacija na Studiju dizajna pri Arhitektonskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2012.) te potom na Odsjeku grafike Akademije likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu (2018.), s najvećom pohvalom Summa Cum Laude. U sklopu Erasmus+ programa, završio je Preddiplomski studij Bellas artes na Sveučilištu Complutense u Madridu (2017.) Izlagao je na desetak samostalnih i brojnim skupnim izložbama. Sudjelovao je na brojim likovnim radionicama te rezidenciji Haffenkombinat u Leipzigu, Njemačka (2019. i 2024.). Dobitnik je pohvale 34. Salona mladih te Nagrade Radoslav Putar 2024. godine. Član je HZSU-a i HDLU-a. Živi i djeluje u Zagrebu.
Nikica Jurković graduated in Visual Communication Design at the School of Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb (2012) and afterwards at the Graphic Arts Department at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (2018), with the highest honor of Summa Cum Laude. As part of the Erasmus+ program, he completed the Bellas Artes undergraduate course at the Complutense University in Madrid (2017). He exhibited at several solo and numerous group exhibitions. He participated in numerous art colonies and the Hafenkombinat residency in Leipzig, Germany (2019 and 2024). He has received the praise of the 34th Young ArtistsSalon and the Radoslav Putar Award in 2024. He is a member of the Croatian Freelance Artists Association (HZSU) and the Croatian Association of Artists (HDLU). He lives and works in Zagreb.
Nikica Jurković
Ovo je patka (oglas), 2023. – u procesu / This is the Duck (Ad), 2023 – ongoing
papir, fotokopija / paper, photocopy
21 x 29,7 cm
Kopiju crteža “Ovo je Patka” autor aplicira na zid pothodnika u Beogradu. Kopija crteža ubrzo nestaje te autor na isto mjesto aplicira oglas o nestaloj kopiji crteža. Nakon što i oglas nestane, autor aplicira oglas o nestalom oglasu, o nestaloj kopiji crteža. Svakim nestankom oglasa, autor stvara novi koji se referira na prethodne oglase. Moja umjetnička praksa temelji se na procesu nastajanja radova kroz vrijeme. To su najčešće situacije iz svakodnevice koje interpretiram koristeći različite medije.
A copy of the drawing This is the Duck is applied to a wall in a Belgrade underpass. The copy of the drawing soon disappears, and the artist applies a notice about the missing copy of the drawing to the same location. After the notice also disappears, the artist applies a notice about the missing notice about the missing copy of the drawing. With each disappearance of the notice, the artist creates a new one that refers to the previous ones. My artistic practice is rooted in an ongoing process of creation. These are most often everyday situations that I interpret using various media.