Francesco Paolucci rođen je u L'Aquili (Italija). Slobodni je filmaš i novinar. Magistrirao je izdavaštvo, digitalne komunikacije i novinarstvo s tezom o Davidu Lynchu pod naslovom Noćne more i vizije između ekspresionizma i postmodernizma. Od 2009. godine dokumentira stanje nakon potresa u L'Aquili. Godine 2017. producirao je I Migrati (Migranti), dokumentarni film emitiran na Tg2 Dossier i TV2000, prikazan na raznim nacionalnim i međunarodnim festivalima. Njegova najnovija djela uključuju L'uomo più buono del mondo – La leggenda di Carlo Tresca (Najljubazniji čovjek na svijetu - Legenda o Carlu Tresci) (2023.) zajedno s Angelom Figorillijem s Mauriziom Maggianijem. Paolucci transformira jezik reportaže hibridizirajući ga s poetičnim i him pogledom uz predanost dokumentiranju priča i tema povezanih s društvenim svijetom, ali i umjetnošću i arhitekturom. Godine 2018. surađivao je s Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia i Mario Cucinella Architects Srl stvarajući video zapise za Arcipelago Italia – talijanski paviljon na 16. međunarodnoj izložbi arhitekture Venecijanskog bijenala.
Francesco Paolucci was born in L'Aquila (Italy). He is a freelance filmmaker and a journalist. He holds an MA in Publishing, Digital Communication, and Journalism with a thesis on David Lynch titled Nightmares and Visions between Expressionism and Postmodernism. Since 2009, he has been documenting the post-earthquake situation in L'Aquila and inland areas with reports mainly aimed at the web. In 2017, he produced I Migrati (The Migrants), a documentary broadcast on Tg2 Dossier and TV2000, presented at various national and international festivals. His latest works include L'uomo più buono del mondo – La leggenda di Carlo Tresca (The Kindest Man in the World - The Legend of Carlo Tresca) (2023) made together with Angelo Figorilli with Maurizio Maggiani. He transforms the language of video reportage by hybridizing it with a poetic and dry gaze and is committed to documenting stories and themes related to the social world, but also to art and architecture. In 2018 he collaborated with the Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia and Mario Cucinella Architects Srl creating videos for Arcipelago Italia – Italian Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale.
Francesco Paolucci
Senza Nome (The Nameless), 2022 / Senza Nome (Bezimeni), 2022.
video, 30'00''
Director / Redatelj: Francesco Paolucci
Animation / Animacija: Nespy 5euro
Producer / Producent: Barba Varley ETS Foundation
Editing / Montaža: Francesco Paolucci
Composer / Kompozitor: Luigi Tarquini
Organization and executive production / Organizacija i izvršna produkcija: Claudio La Camera
In collaboration with / U suradnji s: Mediterranean Hope Fcei, Forum Lampedusa Solidal
One wonders who has decreed for everyone that art must also rush, that cinema must produce syncopated impressions and not thoughts that wander in the soul shaking it. When the world shows its most cynical and ferocious face, when death mingles with our breath, there is always someone who overturns the idea we are forming of human society. Someone who does it without knowing it, simply by following their instincts and feelings, meeting a fellow human being with an involuntary gaze and silently standing beside them. A broom to clean, a handkerchief to wipe, a light kiss, hands that clasp. To restore dignity to the stories of others, and to take charge of them in front of others with a pride never declaimed. In the cemetery of Lampedusa's island, the migrants who died at sea trying to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe are also buried together with the inhabitants. Tombstones with no name, only the date of death and some indication of the probable origin. Modou Lamin is a boy who left Gambia with the dream of being an artist. He made that trip and managed to get to Italy, where he has lived and worked for six years. He returned to Lampedusa to give dignity, through his art, to the tombstones of the nameless.
Moramo se zapitati tko je svima odredio da i umjetnost mora jurišati, da kino mora proizvoditi sinkopirane dojmove, a ne misli koje lutaju dušom potresajući je. Kada svijet pokaže svoje najciničnije i najsvirepije lice, kada se smrt pomiješa s našim dahom, uvijek postoji netko tko preokreće ideju koju formiramo o ljudskom društvu. Netko tko to čini, a da to ne zna, jednostavno slijedi svoje instinkte i osjećaje, susrećući ljude nehotičnim pogledom i tiho stojeći pored njih. Metla za čišćenje, rupčić za brisanje, lagani poljubac, ruke koje stežu... Vratiti dostojanstvo tuđim pričama i preuzeti ih pred drugima s prešutnim ponosom. Na groblju otoka Lampedusa zajedno sa stanovnicima pokopani su i migranti koji su poginuli na moru pokušavajući prijeći Sredozemnim morem do Europe. Nadgrobni spomenici bez imena, samo s datumom smrti i nekim pokazateljima vjerojatnog podrijetla. Modou Lamin je dječak koji je napustio Gambiju sa snom da postane umjetnik. Napravio je taj put i uspio doći do Italije, gdje živi i radi već šest godina. Vratio se na Lampedusu kako bi svojom umjetnošću dao dostojanstvo nadgrobnim spomenicima bezimenih.