Josip Pratnemer rođen je 1996. u Osijeku. Diplomirao je 2024. godine na Akademiji za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku, studij Likovna kultura, modul kiparstvo, u klasi prof. Tihomira Matijevića. Tijekom studija stekao je međunarodno iskustvo putem Erasmus stipendija, boraveći na Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku (Poljska) 2018., Universitatea de Artă și Design din Cluj-Napoca (Rumunjska) 2021. te Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design u Portu (Portugal) 2023. godine. Dobitnik je Nagrade Odsjeka Akademije za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku za najbolji rad 2021. godine. Na 9. studentskom DA! Festivalu osvaja drugu nagradu za najbolji rad u kategoriji Likovna umjetnost. Do sada je izlagao na nekoliko skupnih izložbi te održao jednu samostalnu izložbu, a aktivno je sudjelovao i na brojnim likovnim radionicama. Član je Hrvatskog društva likovnih umjetnika Istok.
Josip Pratnemer was born in 1996 in Osijek. He graduated in 2024 from the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, with a degree in Visual Arts, specializing in sculpture under the mentorship of prof. Tihomir Matijević. During his studies, he gained international experience through Erasmus scholarships, spending time at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk (Poland) in 2018, the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (Romania) in 2021, and the Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design in Porto (Portugal) in 2023. He was awarded the Department Prize of the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek for the best work in 2021. At the 9th DA! Student Festival in 2024, he won second prize for the best work in the Visual Arts category. To date, he has exhibited in several group exhibitions and held one solo exhibition, and has actively participated in numerous art workshops. He is a member of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists East.
Josip Pratnemer
Špijunka, 2022. / Peephole, 2022
kombinirana tehnika / mixed media
65 x 35 x 13 mm
Razmišljanje o publici natjeralo me da im ponudim aktivnu konzumaciju umjetnosti. Negdje u podsvijesti stvaraju se dojmovi i instinkti koji stvaraju ono što je pretpostavljeno i ono što je viđeno i stavlja to dvoje u korelaciju. Interijer koji se odnosi kao moderna bijela galerija i gledatelj s druge strane koji gleda kroz špijunku stvara odnos umjetnosti i gledatelja intimnijim i osjetljivijim. Špijunka stvara portal kroz koji se promatraču šalje poticaj koji je neovisan o stvarnom galerijskom prostoru. Drugim riječima, cijela koncentracija usmjerena je na drugi galerijski prostor odnosno na galeriju unutar galerije.
Thinking about the audience made me want to offer them a more immrsive experience. Our subconscious minds shape our impressions and instincts, blending the assumed and the seen, and correlating the two. An interior that resembles a modern white gallery and a viewer on the other side looking through a peephole creates a more intimate and sensitive relationship between the art and the viewer. The peephole creates a portal through which the observer is sent a stimulus that is independent of the actual gallery space. In other words, the entire concentration is directed towards another gallery space, or rather a gallery within a gallery.