marijana stanic


Marijana Stanić rođena je 1971. u Zagrebu.  Voditeljica je Galerije 90-60-90 i likovna umjetnica. Diplomirala je na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu 2003. godine. Profesionalno područje djelovanja vezano je uz vizualnu kulturu i likovnu umjetnost kroz vlastiti umjetnički rad i društveno angažirane projekte udruge 90-60-90/Platforma za suvremenu umjetnost. Od 2001. aktivno se bavi umjetničkim radom te je izlagala na više samostalnih i skupnih izložbi u zemlji i inozemstvu. U svom umjetničkom radu kreće se unutar širokog raspona multimedijalnih radova od crteža, audio, video i svjetlosnih instalacija, radio drame, objekta i art game-a. U potrebi za preispitivanjem slike svijeta u kojem živimo, problematizira sustav vrijednosti suvremenog društva, konzumerizam i prezentacije stvarnosti, te istražuje modele svakodnevne komunikacije i odabire životnih strategija, a teme često dotiču opća mjesta maštarenja s ironijskim odmakom. Članica je HDLU-a i HZSU-a. Živi i radi u Zagrebu.

Marijana Stanić was born in 1971 in Zagreb. She is the director of the 90-60-90 Gallery and a visual artist. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2003. Her professional activities are focused on visual culture and fine arts through her own artistic work and socially engaged projects of the 90-60-90 Association/Platform for Contemporary Art. Since 2001, she has been actively engaged in artistic work and has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions both domestically and internationally. Her artistic practice spans a wide range of multimedia works, from drawings, audio, video, and light installations to radio dramas, objects, and art games. Driven by a desire to interroagate the image of the world we live in, she problematizes the value system of contemporary society, consumerism, and representations of reality, and explores models of everyday communication and choices of life strategies, often touching on commonplaces of daydreaming with an ironic distance. She is a member of the Croatian Association of Fine Artists (HDLU) and the Croatian Freelance Artists Association (HZSU). Lives and works in Zagreb.

Marijana Stanić
Prolazi, 2022. / Passages, 2022
audio instalacija / audio installationdimenzije promjenjive / dimensions variable

Instalaciju čini kompozicija odbačenih okvira vrata iz različitih stambenih prostora. Jednostavna, ali jaka simbolika zvuka „zalupljenih vrata“ što je u različitim tonalitetima i intenzitetima repetitivno aktiviraju posjetitelji/ce svojim kretanjem, evociraju emocije i doživljaje, asocirajući, osim toga, vidljive i nevidljive barijere kojima smo okruženi ili ih sami gradimo. Zvuk zalupljenih vrata sadrži jaki emotivan naboj – strast, ljutnja, bijes, odustajanje, pozornost, strah, osjećaj kraja i početka… Instalacija otvara prostor za igru ulazaka - izlazaka, koreografija kretanja posjetitelja bilježi nevidljivu arhitekturu koja se tu pojavljuje. Simbolika vrata sadržana u ovom radu upućuje na prolaz, odnosno prijelaz preko “praga” koji može označavati samo fizičko pomicanje iz jednog prostora u drugi, ili transformaciju, prijelaz iz jedne zone u drugu.Tu je prisutna i memorija koju nose sami štokovi, upisani tragovi postojanja, prolaznosti, egzistencije i asocijacija na tuđe živote…

The installation is a composition of discarded door frames from various residential spaces. The simple yet powerful symbolism of the sound of “slamming doors“, which is repetitively activated by visitors in different tones and intensities through their movement, evokes emotions and experiences, alluding to both visible and invisible barriers that surround us or that we build ourselves. The sound of slamming doors carries a strong emotional charge – passion, anger, rage, giving up, attention, fear, a sense of ending and beginning... The installation opens up a space for the game of entering and exiting, and the choreography of visitors' movements records the invisible architecture that appears there. The symbolism of the door contained in this work refers to passage, or transition across the “threshold“ which can signify only physical movement from one space to another, or transformation, a transition from one zone to another. There is also the memory carried by the doorposts themselves, inscribed traces of existence, transience, existence, and associations with other lives...