Marina Rajšić (1995., Rijeka) umjetnica je i dizajnerica vizualnih komunikacija. Diplomirala je Vizualne komunikacije i grafički dizajn na Akademiji primijenjenih umjetnosti u Rijeci 2019. godine. U prosincu 2018. objavljuje umjetničku knjigu naziva Umjetnost lijepog, za koju je nagrađena Rektorovom nagradom Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Finalistica je nagrade Radoslav Putar 2022., koja je dio međunarodne mreže YVAA – Young Visual Artists Awards, te dobitnica 2. Nagrade Ivan Kožarić (2022.), koju dodjeljuje MSU i Grad Zagreb. Primila je Nagradu ULUPUH-a za najbolju mladu umjetnicu u 2023. godini. Njezini se radovi nalaze u javnim zbirkama MSU Zagreb, MMSU Rijeka i MSUI Pula. Članica je Hrvatske zajednice samostalnih umjetnika i Hrvatske udruge likovnih umjetnika primijenjenih umjetnosti.
Marina Rajšić (1995, Rijeka) is an artist and visual communications designer. She graduated in Visual communications and graphic design from the Rijeka Academy of Applied Arts in 2019. In December 2018, she published an artist book entitled The Art(ifice) of Beauty, for which she was given the University of Rijeka Rector’s Award. She was a finalist for the Radoslav Putar Award 2022, which is a part of the international network YVAA – Young Visual Artists Awards. In December 2022, she recieved 2nd prize “Ivan Kožarić Award”, in organization of Museum of Contemporary Art (CRO). In 2023 she was given The Best Young Artist award from the Croatian Association of Artists of Applied Arts (ULUPUH). Her works are a part of Croatian public collections (MCA Zagreb, MMCA Rijeka and MCA Istria). She is a member of the Croatian Freelance Artists Association.
Marina Rajšić
Pauzirane čestice Lipe, 2022. / Suspended Lipa Particles, 2022
skulptura (izomalt, mljeveni prah listova lipe) / sculpture (isomalt, ground linden leaf powder)
12 x 12 x 11,5 cm
Pauziranim česticama Lipe Marina Rajšić se nadovezuje na prethodni rad u kojem je prah osušenog, samljevenog lišća lipe nanosila na različite javne prostore u naselju Lipa, jednom od nekoliko mjesta u Europi u potpunosti uništenih tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata. Unatoč velikom stradanju i činjenici da je zamalo svo stanovništvo tijekom rata bilo ubijeno, a naselje spaljeno, lipljanska zajednica uspjela se ponovno izgraditi i obnoviti na novim temeljima tolerancije i mira. Šireći prah stabla lipe, kao svojevrsnog simbola priče njegove obnove, autorica širi regeneracijski potencijal samog naselja. U radu otkupljenom za fundus Muzeja Suvremene Umjetnosti u Zagrebu autorica miješa prah lišća lipe u smjesu izomalta, stvarajući maleni kubus koji je postojan i čvrst na sobnoj temperaturi, ali je razgradiv u vodi i višim temperaturama, spremajući tako prah i regeneracijski potencijal za korištenje po potrebi u budućnosti.
Suspended Lipa Particles are Marina Rajšić's continuation of her previous work in which she applied the powder of dried, ground linden leaves to various public spaces in the settlement of Lipa, one of the few places in Europe completely destroyed during World War II. Despite great suffering and the fact that almost the entire population was killed during the war, and the settlement was burned down, the Lipa community managed to rebuild and renew itself on new foundations of tolerance and peace. By spreading the powder of the linden tree, as a reminder of its revival, the author conveys the regenerative potential of the settlement itself. In the work purchased for the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, the author mixes linden leaf powder into an isomalt mixture, creating a small cube that is stable and solid at room temperature but is degradable in water and at higher temperatures, thus storing the powder and regenerative potential for use as needed in the future.